I am pleased to announce that Yonah Preserve Trails has been chosen to be a recipient of a national fund raising campaign that IMBA is conducting.  We are one of 68 projects from across the country selected to participate and receive funding.  This is a two part approach, where IMBA is soliciting corporate partners at the national level to donate to all of the projects equally, and also, there is an online campaign where people can donate directly to our project.

The funds raised on a national level get distributed equally amongst the 68 projects, but any funds donated online to our project come directly to our trails fund.  We receive 80% of all direct donations, and IMBA keeps 20% to help defray the cost of coordinating this fantastic program.  This is where we need your help.  Please share this link with everyone you can think of through email, social media or from your local rooftop.  Consider making a donation, and encourage your friends and family to do the same.  Any funds received from this program will go towards subsequent phases of construction for Yonah Preserve Trails, so let’s dig deep and shout it loud!  I want everyone to be able to come and enjoy this view.